While the Star Crossed series focuses on Meredith and Malcolm, The Silver Moon is a short story looking in a new direction. Sydny made her first appearance in Witching Hour Madness and Liam was a late comer, showing up only a few pages from the end of the last book. Both are perfect matches for their jobs and each other, even if one of them doesn't see it that way.
The veil is thinning, but ghosts aren't the only things running through the city.
Follow Sydny and Liam as they chase down their charges who raced off to play with fairies under the full moon.
Love, magic and a little bit of panic are the best treats on Halloween!
There are two ways to get a copy of The Silver Moon. You can sign up for my newsletter and get a FREE copy or you can click over to SmashWords and buy it for just .99 cents by clicking HERE.
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Peace and Love
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