
Wednesday, April 11, 2018

April CampNaNoWriMo (2018)

 Participant 2018 - Twitter Header

Camp Time!

I should have announced it already, but I was so excited about the project that I forgot about it. You, lovely readers, have already seen a snippet over the weekend and hopefully are on the edge of your seat for the sequel to my paranormal romance novella, Just Beyond Daybreak.

Caught by Nightfall is yet another adventure for Meredith and Malcolm. They get into a bit of trouble and Malcolm's family, the Blackwoods come into the picture. Remember, these two families have never really gotten along, so there is sure to be some tension.

Along with family issues, these two have to find a way to stop a mystery thief from disturbing the balance of the planet. Lay Lines, a system of energy channels that crisscross Earth, take a front seat in this story and I seriously have to wonder if Meredith has a thing for dragons, as these lines are also known as dragon lines.

Along with the excitement of this story I'm feeling really great because a few more stories with these two have popped into mind and just before Camp started I started jotting down story lines and notes for two other Meredith and Malcolm stories. So, it seems they're getting a series.

The Star Crossed Series is planned and hopefully Caught by Nightfall will be coming soon.

That's all for now.

Peace and Love!

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