
Saturday, April 7, 2018

#8Sunday Caught by Nightfall 

This is my first Weekend Writing Warriors post! Here's to finding new friends. This post is the #8Sudnay hop. You'll find 8 sentences below from my current WIP, Caught by Nightfall. Enjoy and remember to hop over to the other great blogs for more snippets!

This Snippet

Before his name could erupt from her lips, Malcolm clasped his hand over her mouth. “Shh. I got you,” he whispered in her ear and instantly some of the terror drained away. 

Carefully pulling his hand away, Malcolm glanced around the corner and Meredith watched his eyes go a little wide. Then he took her hand and started pulling her down deeper into the dark hallway he’d appeared from. “We got to get out of here,” he said quietly.

“No shit,” Meredith hissed as they made a turn. The darkness was so thick she couldn’t really see him, but she knew he was focused on getting as far from that red mass as possible. She wasn’t sure how Malcolm was maneuvering through the hall without his own light, but she was thankful for his lead.

I'm writing Caught by Nightfall for this month's CampNaNoWriMo and it's rolling along great. This is a sequel to my paranormal romance novella, Just Beyond Daybreak. Meredith and Malcolm ended up having quite a few stories left to be told.

Catch up with these two: the source of her family’s magical energy and life force is stolen, Meredith Blackburn is left with little choice, but to search out the best magical tracker she knows. Unfortunately Malcolm Blackwood is more than just a tracker, he is also a man who captivates Meredith’s thoughts. 

She strolled into Malcolm’s life with a job that he didn’t want, but instantly he regretted turning her away. Now, with his own family relics in danger, Malcolm finds himself unable to leave Meredith behind. 

Can they save the Blackburn bloodline? Or will family ties tear them apart?

Available on Amazon in Print or on Kindle!

Visit Weekend Writing Warrior for a list of the 
other great Author Blogs!


  1. Welcome to the WWW! Enjoyed the excerpt, really caught my interest right away.

  2. Welcome! And I love her response to him haha

  3. Welcome to WWW! Great snippet- very tense.

  4. This snippet sure starts in the middle of the action. Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors!

  5. Welcome to the hop! Great descriptive details in this snippet

  6. Welcome, what a great snippet for your debut WWW post!

  7. Very visual. Can't wait to read more. Welcome to WeWriWa!!

  8. Welcome to WWW, what an intriguing excerpt, drew me right in!

  9. Wow--this is intense and immediate. Nice start!

    Welcome to www! We're glad to have you!
