
Tuesday, October 30, 2018

NaNo Prep Work

NaNoWriMo is just a few days away and I'm feeling under prepared. In years before, I've gone into November with a sound plan in hand and other years I've gone in shooting from the hip. Personally, it doesn't seem to matter how I start this epic writing challenge. What matters is what I'm starting with.

This year I'll be working on the last two novellas in the Star Crossed Series. The first three stories are finished and the characters are ready to see the end. Last year I tried something like this too. The dream realm stories didn't get completed and instead are now on the back burner. That doesn't leave much hope for trying the method again, but I'm going to try.

Meredith and Malcolm, the main characters in the Star Crossed stories, are running characters. They are the focus of each novella. In last year's stories the characters changed in each story. That alone means this year could go completely differently. The second story in the series, Caught by Nightfall, was finished in a camp session. So, I know it can be done to finish at least one novella in a month. "Let's tackle two!" seems like the logical next step.

After taking October to finish up some work, I've come down to the wire. With a few rough outlines and a general idea of direction, I'm a little shaky, but hay, what's a challenge if not.. well challenging?

For all the other writers out there: Y'all got this. We got this. Let's get it done!

Peace and Love

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