
Saturday, March 18, 2017

Sexy Saving the Day

It's a Sex Saturday post! Today is Sexy Saves the Day and I've pull a bit from Lost Relic. Lillian has just arranged to have Daniel freed from captivity and Alex isn't liking this.

Lost Relic snippet:

Reclining back on the low wooden bench, Alex stretched his feet out and crossed them at the ankles. “Another great use could be using your intoxication as an excuse to take you back to that longhouse and have my way with you.”

Turning sharply, Lillian nearly bumped into him, but was caught off guard by a quick forceful kiss. Once he pulled away, Alex smirked and winked at her. “That would be a great excuse should anyone ask,” Lillian answered.
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Setting his own drink to the side, Alex stood up and reached his hand out to her. “Come on then,” he said. Lillian put her hand in his and let him lead her away from the crowd of villagers. A giddy feeling blossomed in her chest as they made their way into the shadows of the longhouse where they’d stored their gear. Alex led her through the tangle of hanging hammocks that littered the room. Fire light filtered through the loose boards of the walls, giving them just enough light not to bump into each other.

When Alex stopped next to a hammock at the edge of the longhouse he pulled her in front of him and turned her to face away from him. His hands drifted over her hips as he bent and started dropping kisses along her neck. His breath sent shivers down her back when he whispered, “They’re going to let him go tomorrow.”

It didn’t seem the most appropriate time to be talking about another man, but Lillian still felt a bit of relief knowing Mr. Thurston would be let go. She felt for Alex, but she couldn’t bring herself to leave the other man behind as a prisoner. Mr. Thurston wasn’t completely unknown to her and he needed help. Lillian understood that Alex didn’t want to take the risk, but he was and the least she could do was show her appreciation.

“Thank you, Alex,” she said, reaching her hand back to run her fingers through his hair. Her other hand ran over his forearm to find his fingers working on the fastening of her pants. 

As he pushed her breeches down over her hips, Alex spun her around and grabbed her waist. “You’re welcome, Lil,” he said, dropping his lips down to the crook of her neck.

If you enjoyed this snippet head over to my Facebook page where I'm hosting a giveaway. Three winners will get a print copy of List Relic!

And don't forget to hop to the other great blogs for more sexy day saving!

Peace and love


  1. Great snippet! Love how he's very matter-of-fact about the situation and wanting to get her back to the longhouse. Thanks for sharing and for being part of My Sexy Saturday!

    1. Thanks. I love the My Sexy Saturday blog hop. Always great books to discover.
