
Saturday, May 2, 2015

My Sexy Saturday: Sexy Me Down

It's time for another My Sexy Saturday snippet. I'm sure everybody knows how this works, but just in case here's the low down. A sexy theme is chosen and authors pull 7 words, 7 sentences or 7 paragraphs from a story they've written for the you, the lovely readers, to enjoy.

The theme this week is Sexy Me Down and is a play off the poker term "Double Down." I've taken a bit from my paranormal romance novel Fox Hunt. In this scene Dilly has just woken up from a dream and finds herself in the arms of Mike.

Fox Hunt snippet:

Moving her gaze up to his face, Dilly noticed how inviting his slightly parted lips looked. Moistening her own, Dilly was about to lean forward to see if his lips still tasted like honey, when he said, “Dilly, are you okay?”

Just as his words had woken her, they now felt like a bucket of ice water. Uncurling her fingers and leaning as far away from him as she could manage on the small couch they shared, Dilly felt heat spreading across her cheeks. “Fine,” she said, trying to ignore the slight stammer in her voice. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, she tried to calm herself. “I’m fine. What are you doing here?”

She heard him chuckle. “Well, I was sleeping.” Dilly’s eyes snapped open at his slightly cocky tone. Seeing the catlike grin on his face, Dilly quickly went from embarrassed to enraged. She threw a few kicks at his legs and shoved at his side. Just as a curse escaped past her lips, Mike grabbed hold of her wrists with a wicked laugh. “Hey, we just slept. What’s gotten into you?”

Feeling his gentle hands lock around her wrists, Dilly froze. She stared at his happy, curious face before saying, “Nothing. I just had a bad dream. Now get off.”

Suddenly Mike crushed her against his hard chest. Her nose was only inches from his and she felt his breath tickling her lips. All the laughter had left his voice, replaced with a heart-melting husky tone when he said, “A dream, huh?”

Caught speechless, Dilly gave a careful nod. A small twitch at the corner of his mouth foreshadowed the knowing smile she had been hoping to avoid. “Was it about me, Delilah?” His whispered words drifted like silk and for a second she wondered why her name sounded so tantalizing coming from his mouth.

She felt as if her words were trapped somewhere deep in her throat. The man under her was breathtaking and everything a woman could want in her mate, but he was not meant for her. He was a man who could protect her, could make her feel like the queen of the ball. He was the man her sister deserved. Struggling with herself, Dilly tried to find her voice. She had to find a way to place some distance between them. “Mike, I want…”

That's it for this week. Make sure to visit the other great blogs on the hop.

Fox Hunt buy links

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All Romance Ebooks


  1. So tempting. Will she chicken out or fess up? Personally I hope it's the later.

    1. Glad it intrigued you. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Very nice snippet. Thanks for sharing and being part of My Sexy Saturday.

    1. Thanks for stopping by and it's my pleasure. Sexy Saturdays are a blast.
