
Saturday, December 13, 2014

A Sexy Morning

Time for My Sexy Saturday blog hop again. For those readers new to this hop, writers post excerpt of 7 words, 7 sentences or 7 paragraphs based on the weekly theme or something the readers would just love.  This week the theme was A Sexy Morning and I've picked a morning scene from my first novel, Witch Hunt.

"She felt so warm and inviting under him. Aidan had never known a woman who could make him want her so much. Rei was practically quivering beneath him, and he felt a bristle of pride that she would only ever feel it for him. Aidan felt Rei’s fingers drag down his back and grip his butt in a tight hold. He was about to adjust their position so that he could bury himself into her when an odd sound reached his ears.

Aidan stiffened above Rei and lifted up from her neck. The sound of a car door slamming closed outside made his eyes shift to the bedroom door."

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  1. Nothing like someone intruding to break up a mood! Nice snippet. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks and also thanks for hosting the hop! Always fun.
