
Saturday, November 8, 2014

My Sexy Saturdeay : A Sexy First

It's that time again. I try to do one of these at least once a month, because they're just so much fun. This My Sexy Saturday theme is A Sexy First. I've chosen seven sexy sentences from the first face to face meeting between Rei and Aidan from my first novel, Witch Hunt, for this one. I hope you enjoy and remember to to check out of the other great blogs for more sexy excepts.

Witch Hunt Except:

When he found her scent again, he burst forward, slamming through the underbrush and found his wolf self thrust directly in her path.
Standing in front of her, Aidan felt a need to relieve some of her fear. He felt the wolf withdrawal as he transformed back into his human self. Once he was human again, he had been about to speak when he was suddenly captivated by the sight of her. Kneeling in front of him, he saw a young woman now filled with shock more than fear.

As Aidan had just begun admiring the bright moonglow of her skin, the Wild Hunt had chased her down and slammed into her. Wild energy ricocheted itself throughout her entire body and drove her down to one knee.

That's it for now. I hope you enjoyed. You can get you're own copy of Witch Hunt at:

Amazon     Barns and Noble     All Romance Ebooks     Cobblestone Press

And don't forget the other great authors in the hop! 


  1. Ooo, sounds right up my alley! I'll have to add it to my TBR list. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Great tension! A lot happening and really interested in what is going to flow on from here!

  3. Phew! Lots going on. My head is spinning. I like it.

    1. Rei and Aidan have a very chaotic romance. It had my head spinning too. Glad you liked it!
