
Monday, October 20, 2014

Review: Wolf's Haven by Ambrielle Kirk

I found a freebee and wanted to read it. I love shifter romance novels and tend to take a chance when I find a free one. I finished this book in a day and a half so it's a quick read. Here's my take:

Wolf's Haven by Ambrielle Kirk


16068821"Tamara would risk her life to gain freedom. She's finally built up the courage to escape from a world of abuse by the hands of the man who promised her the world. One night she makes a break for it, but her plans backfire. She begins to believe that she was never meant to be happy. When all hope of freedom fades, she stumbles across a wolf that brings her to safety. She learns to trust the wolf, but has yet to trust the man.

Devin, potential future leader of the Caedmon Pack, returns to the foothills of his Virginia home after five long years as a lone wolf. Rivals within the circle challenge him and threaten to strip him of his true birthright. Being bound to lead the pack was not something Devin had planned for his life, but letting his people fall prey to turmoil under the rule of his cousin Darius is out of the question. The night of Devin’s rise to Alpha leader is approaching. Despite opposition, he’s gained an impressive following. That is until he brings a human among the pack."

I'm a big fan of empowering women, especially abused women, and the first few chapters of this book really touched that mark for me. It starts with Tamara desperate to get away from an abusive dick. In her attempt to escape she jumps from a window and is found/rescued by a wolf. The wolf turns out to be a man, Devin. Through some trail and error she learns to trust men again, somehow.

I won't lie. This story left me wanting and not in the good way. There was a strong plot line, with some nice twists here and there, but altogether it could have been a little stronger. Also the character development was less than engaging. I think going a little more in depth with a side character or two would have helped a bit and developing both the main character some would have helped too.

The romance side of the story was also lacking. I understand the mated/bonded idea, but it's hard for me to wrap my head around it within this storyline. Tamara was abused and the writer does show moments when that abuse affects her mentally, but I really can't see Tamara jumping into a sexual relationship with Devin so fast. 

I don't like writing a bad review, but I will say that I'm going to give the next book, Wolf's Promise, a try. Maybe characters are developed a little further and more of the story opens up.

Until next time, happy reading and peace!

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