
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Howloween Blog Hop

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Happy Halloween! I'm taking a few moments from my Samhain celebrations to bring you a post for the Howloween Blog Hop. To get your howl on and hop from blog to blog exploring other great authors and their posts just follow the links below. You can also enter to win a $50 amazon gift card from the blog hop host, Romance Blog Hops. Giveaways and such are listed below the post.

As for the post today I was thinking I'd share a tidbit from one of my stories, but they are surprisingly void of Halloween topics. Strange considering I write on many paranormal topics. So here's a run down of why Halloween is the best time of year to play with the beasties.

Halloween Beastie Fun
  1. Halloween is a free for all. Kind of. It's a lot like Vegas. What happens on Halloween should stay with Halloween night. So long as it isn't illegal.
  2.  No matter what flavor of paranormal you love they all come out at Halloween. I outgrew vampire love years ago, but a cute vamp walking around might re-spark my interest. (As long as they don't sparkle.)
  3. Halloween is the time when the paranormal is at its most powerful, depending on which myth you go by, and that's sure to equal some extra fun and adventure with your chosen beastie.
  4. Rather have the monster slayer or the demon hunter. I'm sure one or more of them might be roaming around hunting down our lovely beasties.
Well there you have four great reasons to go out and enjoy a romp with the beasties this year. Before heading out make sure to stop by the other great blogs for giveaways and more Halloween treats!

Romance Blog Hops Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I've got a giveaway setup for those who visit over the Halloween Holiday. You can enter for your chance to win the first two novels in my Saving Grace Saga, Witch Hunt and Fox Hunt.

Howloween Giveaway


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