
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Stardust : Romance Fantasy at It's Best

I am a sucker for a good romance story. Not just books, but movies too. I've noticed over the years that while I can find fantasy romance books, its tricky to find fantasy romance movies. I don't get to watch a lot of TV so I've missed out on some of those great fantasy TV shows, like Once Upon a Time. I have to skim through the movie section at the store to see what I can find, and a few years ago I noticed Stardust. I hadn't heard hardly anything about this movie before spotting it on the shelf, but that cover caught me right off. After reading the summery I found myself interested enough to buy it and I was happy I did. It's rare to find such a wonderful fantasy romance movie. 

The story starts out with the hero's father making a rebellious move and crossing the mysterious wall that runs along his English village. On the other side of that wall he finds a world of magic and a rather magical one night stand. Nine months later our hero is born.

Skip ahead 18 or so years, and our hero, Tristan has grown into a fine young man in love, but as a simple shop boy he can't quite capture the heart of his lady. So he makes a deal to bring her back a fall star, and the adventure begins. With murdering princes and evil witches, Stardust has a surprising mix of traditional fantasy characters and modern twists. If you're anything like me you'll fall in love with Robert De Niro's character, Captain Shakespeare.

I have to say that this is one movie that not only made it into my collection, it has helped define whimsical modern romantic fantasy for me. I suggest giving it a try if you haven't watched it yet and you if you know of any other movies like it let me know!

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